+91 8469279141 hemrajhomeoclinic@yahoo.com
Hair problem treatment (ambawadi ahmedabad)
Hair Problem Treatment in Paldi Ahmedabad ? then hemraj have best hair treatment and hair doctor or surgeon in ambawadi ahmedabdad . hair problem is now common in all human so hemraj have best homeo pathy medicine that treat your hair back with hair problem treatment.
The day a child is born his or her hair is referred to as their Crowning Glory,
hence, we grow up with the notion that our hair is the most prized possession, and
we make sure that we do our extra bit so that our perfect head is covered with the
most fascinating, healthy, lustrous and shining hair which is the envy of everyone
who sees it.
Causes of Hair loss
• There are many causes of scalp hair loss, and they differ in men and women. Studies
show that losing up to 100-150 hairs per day is normal.
• Human hair naturally grows in three phases: Anagen is the active or growing phase.
Catagen is a short phase during which hairs begin to break down. Telogen is the
resting phase. About 10% of our hair is at resting stage at one time, hence are
not growing and ready to shed in normal cases.
• In general, most hair loss may or may not be associated with systemic or internal
disease, or occasionally poor diet a frequent factor.
• Hair may simply grow thin as a result of predetermined genetic factors, family
history, and the overall aging process. Many men and women may notice a mild and
often normal physiologic thinning of hair starting in their thirties and forties.
• Normal life variations including temporary severe stress, nutritional changes,
and hormonal changes like those in puberty, pregnancy and menopause may cause a
reversible hair loss.
• Several health conditions, including thyroid dysfunctions and iron deficiency
anemia, can cause hair loss.
• Several immune suppression medications including those drugs used in chemotherapy
cause hair loss. Complete hair loss often occurs after a course of major chemotherapy
for cancer. Usually, hair grows back after six to 12 months.
• Certain conditions of scalp like fungal infections, dandruff and Seborrheaic Dermatitis
also damage the hair roots and cause hair fall.
Types of hair loss patterns
There are numerous ways to classify hair loss. One useful way has been to classify
hair loss by whether the loss is localized (small area) and patchy or whether it
affects large areas or the whole scalp (diffuse).
Alopecia Areata - small circular or coin
size patches of scalp baldness that usually grow back within months. It is an auto
immune condition.
Traction alopecia – thinning from tight
braids or ponytails which puts pressure on hair roots and causes breakage.
Trichotillomania – the habit of twisting
or pulling hair out which is mostly related to stress in adults.
Tinea Capitis – fungal infection of the
scalp causes such spots.
• Generalized OR Diffused Hair Loss: This
is an overall hair thinning without specific bald spots or patterns. It is the most
commonly seen form of Hair loss. They are further categorized as:
Telogen Effluvium -There are several circumstances that produce a “shock to the
system” that alters the hair growth rhythm. As a result, as much as 30%-40% of the
hairs can cycle into Telogen i.e. the Resting Phase of the Hair cycle. Normally,
about 10% of scalp hairs are in the Telogen phase hence an increase in this number
noticeably gets the attention of the individual as the hair falls in more quantity
and the following conditions can be responsible for them – 1. Childbirth 2. High
fever 3. Sudden weight loss (crash dieting) 4. Surgery 5. Severe debilitating illness
6. Severe stress or Personal Loss (death in family, divorce, etc.)
Androgenetic or androgenic hair loss (“male-pattern baldness,” /”female-pattern
baldness”) – This type of alopecia is often attributed to genetic predisposition
and family history. Traditionally, this was originally described only in men, but
we now know it is seen in both men and women. The hair loss in men is often faster,
earlier onset, and more extensive. Adolescent boys notice some receding near the
temples as their hairlines change from the straight-across boys’ pattern to the
more “M-shaped” pattern of adult men. In women the hair loss pattern is noticed
after menopause mostly and usually thinning of hair is more on crown and from the
middle of the head.
The homeopathic method of treatment is based on individualization and the perfect
remedy is given after considering the specific symptoms of the patient. Unnatural
hair fall indicates some under lying condition which needs to be corrected or balanced
in the body. Homeopathy aims at recognizing this cause and treating it by the body’s
own healing mechanisms at the physical and mental levels. It is a safe therapy without
any side-effects, removes the chronicity of the complaints and promotes overall
health of the patient.
• Highly indicated remedies like Thallium, Carbo veg are helpful in correcting the
hair loss after a debilitating illness.
• Underlying conditions like dandruff and dermatitis are covered well with Mezereum
and Sanicula.
• Use of intercurrent, deep acting medicines is done to tackle the hereditary tendencies
and correcting the balance in the body.
• Specific medicines are used for alopecia areata and other related conditions hence
removing the chances of recurrence of hair loss and bringing about a permanent cure.
Improtant Note : A well balanced diet with proper doses of required
vitamins is essential for the growth of good quality hair along with medications.
Standard and good quality products should also be used to take care of your hair.
• Homeopathic treatment is individualized according to the patient. It removes the
underlying cause and treats the disease from its roots.
• Homeopathy gives plausible results in hairfall and the treatment has a very fair
success rate.
• Homeopathy is natural, safe and without any side-effects, and one can enjoy complete
freedom from HAIRFALL.
• Homeopathy also checks the associated illness causing hair fall.
• Homeopathy is scientific and natural and the treatment is directed towards bringing
about a balance in the individual health.
Hair grows from hair follicle which is a part of skin. Hair follicle has other associated
structure like small muscle called ‘arrector pili’, sebaceous glands (which secrete
sebum) and apocrine sweat glands.
Phase of hair growth are:
• Anagen- It is the growing phase, where hair grows at approximate
speed of 1 cm a month.
• Catagen- It is the regressing phase. There is arrest of active
growth of hair follicle.
• Telogen- It is the resting phase. At this stage hair falls. Normally,
up to hundred hairs may fall per day.
90% hair follicles are in anagen phase. It may take 3-4 months for a hair cycle
to complete in case of scalp hair. Loss of more than 100 - 150 hair a day can be
clinically called hair loss and termed as 'telogen effluvium'.
Disruption of this cycle causes loss of more hair than the number of hair growths.
This causes thinning of hair. In males, most common Hair Fall is male pattern hair
The good news is that Homeopathy has excellent success rate in the treatment of
Following are symptoms of Hairfall:
• Thinning of hair
• Thinning usually starts at top of head and progress slowly
• Patch of hairfall (circular, usually coin shaped) in different areas of scalp,
beard, eyebrows
• Hair comes out easily on brushing, combing, washing
• Too many hair on pillow, bed sheet, comb
Symptoms associated with HAIRFALL vary from case to case. That is why
Homeopathy perfectly fits here because it treats patient and not merely the disease.
It follows constitutional approach
• There are many causes of scalp hair loss, and they differ in men and women.
Studies show that losing up to 100-150 hairs per day is normal.
• Genetics: Hairfall may run in families due to its genetic link.
• Fungal Infections such as tinea capitis
• Cancer treatment like chemotherapy or radiotherapy
• Iron deficiency
• Autoimmune diseases and diabetes
• Trauma caused by excess hair pull as in pony tails, violent hair brushing, heat
styling, chemical treatment on hair (hair color, straightening & curling)
• Dandruff (Chemical treatment for the dandruff)
• Hormonal Imbalance as seen in cases of hypothyroidism, PCOS, menopause, after
• Poor nutrition, excessive dieting, high fever
• Stressful life events like loss of loved one
• Certain medications prescribed for blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes .
• Psychiatric diseases like Trichotillomania where patient pulls his hair.
This can damage hair roots.
• Hair Fall usually does not cause any significant complication. But it can
affect youpersonality.
• It can create, in some people, a feeling of frustration, anxieties and even depression.
• Affected person may withdraw himself from all social activities and even family
• If hair fall is caused due to some serious conditions then hair may fail to grow
• Homeopathy caters all that your hair needs. Homeopathy provides safe, side
effect free and natural treatment of Hair Fall, which treats the underlying cause
from roots.
• Homeopathy helps to manage HAIRFALL with its constitutional approach and vast
range of medicines. Homeopathy treats patient and not just the disease.
• Unless and until, the root cause is addressed, treatment of hair fall remains
temporary. Homeopathy addresses the root cause and helps you gain your healthy lustrous
hair back.
• It also helps in preventing the relapse of the condition. Homeopathic treatment
for HAIRFALL provides complete holistic wellbeing to the patient by boosting the
immune system and assisting recovery in the safest and most natural way.
• Since, Hair fall occurs because of disturbance in cycles of hair growth, Homeopathy
helps in correcting the balance from within.
• Homeopathy is non invasive, painless and safe for pregnant women and kids too.
• Homeopathic treatment for HAIRFALL is natural, safe and without any side-effects.
It is a patient-oriented science and medicines are prescribed on the characteristics
of the individual rather than just the symptoms of the disease.
• If you have minimal hair loss or bald areas, then combing the hair backwards
can help for cosmetic reasons.
• Clean your scalp regularly with a gentle shampoo. Washing your hair at least twice
a week or every alternate day. Do not scrub your head vigorously.
• Be gentle while shampooing.
• Oil your hair regularly.
• Indulge in balanced diet and regular exercise for good immunity.
• Manage stress, as it may flare up Hair Fall. Practice yoga, meditation .
• Do not overuse styling products like Hair sprays, styling gels.
• Do not scratch your scalp while shampooing. It will damage your scalp and hair.
• Do not dye your hair.
• Avoid stress.
• Do not scratch your head.
• Do not expose your hair to excessive heat, pollution .
• Avoid hot treatments, hot rollers, curling irons, hot oils on hair
ImprotantNote :A well balanced diet with proper doses of required
vitamins is essential for the growth of good quality hair along with medications.
Standard and good quality products should also be used to take care of your hair.
Following food may be of help in controlling and preventing Hairfall:
• Protein rich diet: It is vital in formation of new hair strands from the follicles.
Include protein in your diet like egg, pulse, fish, poultry, tofu, beans.
• Vitamin A:It stimulates the hair follicles and enhances hair growth. Include yellow,
red or orange coloured fruits and vegetables.
• Vitamin E: It promotes hair growth and is found in nuts, avocados, seeds.
• Vitamin C: orange, lemons, berries, tomatoes are rich in vitamin C as it prevents
• B-Complex vitamins like B6, B12, and Folic acid: These should be included in your
diet too. Sources are green leafy vegetables, fortified cereals, nuts.
• Zinc : Zinc is very useful mineral for skin and hair. Eat lots of oysters, shellfish,
chicken .
• Copper : Include sesame seeds, nuts, soy foods, sea food.
• Iron :Anaemia can also cause Hair Fall. Include foods like dates, spinach, beans.
• Avoid spicy, oily, deep fried synthetic food products.
• Avoid food with artificial colours and preservatives.
Dandruff is nothing but a very common skin condition which causes flakiness of scalp.
The scalp is made up of skin cells. When these cells die, they shed in the form
of white flakes. Shedding of skin is a natural process, but if dead cells removal
becomes excessive, the flakes become visible and the condition is called Dandruff.
Did You Know?
• Dandruff affects nearly half of the human population
• It is more common in males
• Most cases of Dandruff are seen after puberty
• Dandruff is not contagious, although it can be publically embarrassing
What Happens In Dandruff?
Itchiness and flakiness of scalp is the hallmark of Dandruff.
• White flakes over the scalp and hair.
• Flakes when in excess, fall on shoulder
• Flakes more noticeable on wearing dark coloured clothes
• Itchiness, soreness, redness of scalp
• Flakes may be dry or greasy
What Can Dandruff Lead To?
Though Dandruff does not cause any harm to your health, it can damage your self-esteem
and self-confidence and lead to severe and acute embarrassment. Hair loss and affection
of the skin of the rest of the body can happen in extreme cases. Few oversensitive
young people may become emotionally and socially withdrawn and even become depressed!
How Well Homeopathy Works In Dandruff?
• Homeopathy is adept in managing symptoms of Dandruff and has an exemplary success
rate. Treatment For Dandruff with Homeopathy ensures not only a reduction of the
symptoms, but also restores the balance of skin cells to prevent recurrent.
• Homeopathy is natural, safe and without any side-effects, and one can enjoy complete
freedom from Dandruff. Moreover, it also helps in removing all other associated
• Although not a life-threatening condition, Dandruff is a sore sight to the eyes
and irritating to the scalp.
The great news is that correct and timely homeopathic Treatment and lifestyle adjustments
can help to manage the signs and symptoms of Dandruff.
• White flakes over the scalp and hair.
• Flakes when in excess, fall on shoulder
• Flakes more noticeable on wearing dark coloured clothes
• Itchiness, soreness, redness of scalp
• Flakes may be dry or greasy
Symptoms of Dandruff in Babies
• Crusting and flaky skin on baby's head called as Cradle Cap
• Appears between 3 to 8 weeks of age
• Disappears after few weeks or months
• Looks dangerous and parents are alarmed, but is usually self-limiting
Features associated with symptoms of Dandruff vary from case to case. That is why
Homeopathy perfectly fits here because it treats the patient and not merely the
• Texture of skin: The texture of skin is an essential factor in the causes of Dandruff.
Dandruff can happen either when the skin is excessively dry or very oily.
• Shampooing: Frequency of shampooing hair is also a key aspect when it comes to
Dandruff.Inadequate shampooing and over-shampooing, both, can effectively cause
itchy scales.
• Seborrhoeic Dermatitis: This is a form of skin inflammation in which redness and
itching frequently occurs around the folds of the nose and eyebrow areas and scalp.
• Diseases: Other skin diseases like Eczema and Psoriasis also figure among the
causes of Dandruff.
• Allergic reaction: Hypersensitivity to certain hair products may also cause Dandruff.
Individual susceptibility plays a major role here.
• External causes: Yeast like fungus like Malasseziaglobosa, PityrosporumOvale can
give rise to Dandruff.
• Medications: Other important causes of Dandruff include hair loss medications
like Minoxidil, Finasteride, etc.
Dandruff usually does not cause any significant complications and is not life-threatening.
Extreme cases can result in:
• Hair loss: Extreme cases may lead to itching, scratchiness in scalp. This may
cause further scalp infection and subsequent hair loss.
• Seborrheic Dermatitis: Dandruff is considered as mild form of Seborrheic dermatitis.
Extreme cases of Dandruff may lead to this condition which is characterized by extremely
red, flaky, greasy, skin patches. It extends beyond scalp.
• Depression and Social withdrawal: Some individuals get so affected by the social
embarrassment caused by Dandruff that they socially isolate themselves and can even
fall into Depression.
Homeopathic treatment
• Homeopathy is very accomplished in managing the symptoms of Dandruff with its
constitutional approach and vast range of medicines.
• The medicines prescribed act in such a way as to alleviate the symptoms as well
as prevent relapse of the condition. Since Dandruff occurs because of rapid turnover
of cells, suppressing it is no solution.
• Homeopathic treatment for Dandruff provides complete holistic wellbeing to the
patient by boosting the immune system and assisting recovery in the safest and most
natural way.
• Homeopathic treatment for Dandruff is natural, safe and without any side-effects.
It is a patient-oriented science and medicines are prescribed on the characteristics
of the individual rather than just the symptoms of the disease.
• Massage the shampoo gently into your scalp. Rinse well.
• Oil your hair regularly and leave it overnight in case of dry hair.
• Stress is known to cause flare-ups of Dandruff. Practice yoga, meditation, etc.
to keep stressful reactions at bay.
• Eat a balanced diet for healthy scalp.
• Expose your hair to very mild sunlight of early morning because sunlight kills
yeast which causes Dandruff. At the same time, protect your skin from excessive
sun exposure.
• Do not overuse styling products like hair sprays, styling gels, etc.
• Do not overuse shampoo it may cause hair fall.
• Do not scratch your scalp while shampooing. It will damage your scalp.
• Do not dye your hair, and if you do, use ammonia-free dye.
• Reduce intake of sugar: Restrict fatty foods, simple carbohydrates like processed
food, refined sugar and fried food.
• Eat more green vegetables and fruits: These will provide ample vitamins and nutrients
necessary for your scalp health.
• Consume more food items containing Vitamin B6 (pistachios, prunes, bananas, spinach,
chicken, tuna), folate (dark, green leafy vegetables, beans, lentils, oranges),
B12 (liver, chicken eggs, beef, skim milk, tofu, cheese) and biotin (almonds, walnuts,
berries, carrots, onions, swiss chard).
• Include fish in your diet if you are non-vegetarian to get good amount of omega
3 fatty acids. For a vegetarian, flaxseeds, walnuts, beans are the best bet.
• Take foods containing Lactobacillus acidophilus found in supplements or yogurts
for reduction of yeast formation in body.
• Include food items like spinach, pumpkin, nuts, chocolate, beans, mushroom, chicken
that contain zinc and selenium.
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